German Association of Corporate Treasurers

The German Association of Corporate Treasurers (GACT) is the leading representative body for treasury experts in Germany and represents the interests of more than 1,800 members from over 830 companies.


As a member of the GACT, you benefit from an extensive network of experts and decision-makers from the treasury and finance industry.


The association offers numerous events, seminars, workshops and certifications to help you expand and deepen your treasury knowledge and skills. By exchanging ideas with other members of the GACT, you can learn about the latest developments, challenges and best practices in treasury and benefit from the experiences of others.


Members also have access to a variety of resources that can support you in your daily treasury work. These include guides, professional articles, online events and platforms.


The GACT further promotes the interests of its members in its commitment to improving the framework conditions for treasury in Germany. By cooperating with other associations and organisations and by exchanging ideas with other decision-makers, the GACT helps to ensure that treasury is continually recognised and valued as an important component of financial management.


  +49 (0)6431 212 1370


Postal Address:
Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V.
Pariser Straße 2, 65552 Limburg

Key Facts

What is the GACT?

The GACT is an independent organisation founded in 1997 by a group of treasury experts. The GACT represents the interests of treasury experts in Germany and is committed to promoting treasury practice and research as well as the professional development and advancement of its members. The association is represented in national and international bodies and works closely with other associations, institutions and players in the finance industry.

  • European Association of Corporate Treasury (EACT) / International Group of Treasury Associations (IGTA)
  • European Central Bank / Digital Euro Scheme Rulebook
  • Deutsche Bundesbank / Forum Zahlungsverkehr
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Loan Market Association (LMA)



Event Participants



What are the activities of the GACT?

GACT regularly organises events, seminars and conferences aimed at treasury experts and professionals from related fields. Here, members can expand their knowledge and skills, find out about current trends and developments, and make valuable contacts. The GACT is organised in various specialist sections and working groups that deal with specific topics and issues in the treasury sector. These groups offer members the opportunity to deepen their expertise, participate in the development of best practices and actively contribute to the work of the association.

What services does the GACT offer?

GACT offers its members a range of services tailored to their needs and interests. These include:

  • Access to a network of treasury experts and professionals from the financial industry
  • Participation in events, seminars and conferences at reduced rates or free of charge
  • Access to exclusive studies and reports on current treasury trends and developments
  • Regular updates on new regulations and legislative changes that may impact treasury operations
  • Opportunity to participate in the development of treasury best practices and standards

GACT Working Groups

Job Profile & Qualification

The working group of Job Profile & Qualification is working intensively on defining and disseminating the occupational profile of treasurers. We want to contribute to the professional qualification of treasurers through systematic training and advanced training measures.

Asset Management

This working group deals with the opportunities, chances and risks of a medium- and long-term control of financial assets taking into account the corresponding obligations of the company.

Cash & Liquidity

Cash & Liquidity covers cash and liquidity management, working capital, technical platforms as well as organization and processes.

Equity & Debt

Equity & Debt deals with debt liability management, equity markets and asset management.

Risk Management

The working group Risk Management prepares the topics of regulation, risk management / framework, hedging as well as derivatives valuation and accounting.

Become a member now!